Tuesday, April 20, 2010

what up my name is haida

What up my name is Haida and iam lessening to this reeeaaalyyyyyyyyswwweet song right now   ---Ariel---Blackmore night------ I feel like iam sum kinna dream sate……..hahaha ……hahah ….get what day it is its Apirl 20th . The best day of the year. I would have to say it majoredy sucks Christmas ass. Christmas can kick it out the door. April 20th is sooo much better. Ok so its not ass …how you d’you say…conventional . But I can tell you this . it’s a hell of a lot cheaper you get to hang out with your friends all day “ if it was natal Holliday…..I am talking about replacing xmas bitches. Who is with me….and that is all I have to say about that………..HAIDA OUT……………PEACE

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