Thursday, July 7, 2011

fuck this day

It's my only day off for almost 2 weeks. Guess what i had to do clean house because we are moving and they wanted to show it...with about 5 hours notice....they didnt even like the hit on by the 80 year old man......landlords have been the the yard all effing day so ive been stuck in my room stiing at my's 420 that last one i will be able to partake in for 2 weeks...can't even do that because mom as been sick all fucking week so i dont want do be around her so i dont get sick...soo basicly...ive done nothing fun...all fucking day...this is awesome...not.

Monday, September 20, 2010

weeding weekend

Siting here in my room with ‘Born Ruffians’ on full blast. Oddly this song is called ‘I need a life’ . and it got me in the mood to blog…….nuff said.

Oh sweet ‘broken bells’ is next. The perfect band to have on when your… the green….

This weekend I went to my cousin Heron’s weeding in Tofino. I had an awesome day. In the beginning it was raining on our way there and while we were getting our self’s looking pretty. Luck we had a few hours of beautiful sunshine. Buy the time the band had just set up the rain begun to poor….but we live on the west coast so it is to be expected…….if you live her rain in a part of life and yah just deal with it..

During the day I got to play around with my nieces Abby and Charlotte -Char- and my younger cousins. At around 10 ish all the familys with a small kids went home so that just left the cool people. Namely all 6 boy cousins. My one any only girl cousin Sharon who is mom to 5. My sister mom Aunt Dianne her son Carl. Sharon’s and her Husband Scott’s little men James and Scott jr. (Scotty) and Zack ,buck and Bo my 19,17,and 15 year old cousins who….along with the band and Alex and Carl, spent 10:00 on ward getting stoned in the back room. Bo got so messed he had the dumbest grinn on his face. And I don’t think I have ever seen alex eat so much. She got the munches baaad …..and I mush have eatin half an apple was sooooo goooood.

Well that’s it for now jimmy Fallon is about to come on Cory from Glee is on and he is gonna sing one of the new songs backwards…….can you say awesome…..

And I want to get another seshß in before its starts………ß that would be whay I like to call candy time. Witch iam having right now and well all day…cuz iam sick and I deserve it and that’s my story….
Peace out
Ohh yah ‘The Cribs’ just came on
“A mans neeeeeds are fullll of greeeeeddddd”
the songs
Born Ruffians
Broken bells
The Cribs

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

a man and his porno

I cant believe it been so long since my last Blog. Its not that I have forgotten its here. Iam just lazy…..lets blame candy. Lets see whats new. I am still at the same jobs, Live in the same house, Have the same friends, Same Sister same mother, Same cat, Same bad habits.

Worked today was the same has any other day……has a guy come in and buy minutes for his phone. He didn’t know what he needed so I ask the same questions I always do….guy had broken English so when he came back a few hours latter and told me its wasn’t working. It took me for ever to find out that he didn’t have a pay has you go….( witch he should have told me when he got it) so after 30 minutes of talking to a very nice operator….poor girl had to listen to this guy yell at her……you can AWAYS catch more bees with honey……came to the conclusion of refunding his money. Your not supposed to do it with any phone card but since he hadn’t used it and we keep made up ones in a drawer. I gave him is money back……but that dude needed to learn how to clam down.

A young guy got a porno mag…playboy….(most of the time I just get old perv men that look thru them for 20-30 minutes.) young dude didn’t want a bag. didn’t care walking out with it. Lol….when I first started at the store its was kinnda akward selling them. Cuz I know what there gonna be use for when they get home…but now I just have a giggle to my slef.

And that’s it. Now time for candy

Friday, August 13, 2010

The weekend is over :( #2

Friday has come and this means that me weekend is over. I has i nice one. Didn't to very much. Other than the usual.......sit on my ass
I have an easy work day just temple. So that means that i get the morning of and while iam at work i don't have to do
I do however have a long week ahead 23 hours at Mac's and 22 hours at Temple. Buy the end of this week i am going to be so spent.
omorrow i get to learn drive thou. Guess I am doing well in window so they figure its time for drive thou. I get to wear a head set and when i am walking around it will look like I am talking to my self. ...awesomeness...

I just DL Paper Man so soon after i have finished i will watch it. but i really need to make some hungry....and maybe a bit more candy ..muhahah..

ahh dang I am all out of stuff to write already and ive barley even started......oh yes.... in a few months Melissa will be taking me to my very First Hockey game ever, and i have to say that I am very excited......i will get so into it. I will yell like a man at some point hahaha.

Haida out ......time for food

Thursday, August 12, 2010

WHAOO its the weekend #1

in da green

Its has been a few days and that's going to help me in reaching my Blog goal. So looks like i am gonna be doing days with. Not one but two blog posts a day. ....happy reading....... to those of you readers  ;) .
I am gonna have to get creative with what a write. Problem is i don't have to may ideas in my head right now ummm....... Alex is out to night so i get to start my weekend off with some sweet loud music and candy box (hotbox) soon to be followed buy Talking to Melissa .....her editing my terrible spelling and sometimes grammar,
and then more candy. something funny will happen one of us will finally give into our tiredness. Then i will have a long nights rest and tomorrow i shall sleep in watch some Doctor who and Paper Man. I also need to clean up the house a much laundry and dishes......and while i am doing these things i shall eat candy, and guess what.
ill blog about it.......oh yah i am cool shout it out.

Around 8ish i am going over to my Friends Liz"s house for a bit to chill.
 Back home for more of something .......i don't know what ill do ......i have to go to the store and buy food. any ideas on yummy stuff that i can get.

i cant think of anything else.....but you never know. some Candy  Advice could be heading your way......or ill just go to bed lol...........or lazyness.

Haida Ouuuuut

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Super Lazy Saturday

this must be one of the laziest days a have had in a very very long time. i didn't get up until 1:30. it is now 4:00  and the only things I've done that requires any amount of energy is cook breakfast and use the Lu....i haven't even brushed my hair yet.I just put in in a bun, witch is now just a  matted mess in the back.
there are a few things i want to do today. i need to paint more of my trash can. i need to clean up the dishes and i also had an idea about making a super dull t-shirt awesome.

it will be my favourite time of the day in 15 minutes and i need to start getting ready. I always work at this time so i only get to do it once in a wile and for some reason i keep missing it.
 I  had last Thursday off to. But i had to miss it cuz i needed to buy a protection plan for my phone. i had to go to 3 different store and 2 malls. Turns out that you have to buy a protection plan for your phone exactly wear you got it. Witch is dumb because it is all the same company......FYI people who work at cell phones stores need to be less stupid and not just sit around playing with your own cell phone. Get up of your ass and help me with mine.......the one who is making your company money. It took 4 guys to figure out that i needed to go to the store i bought it from. and they were not very good at it either. When i left the store, and i had already disappeared from site they yell thank you at me......WTF.

Shit five minutes brb.
Lets listen to some BN while i get ready.
yess all ready and ive still got 2 after iam done typing.....

Alright iam back.
ok new thing i just came up with. tight now on the spot.
when ever the text on my blog is green ( like right now )
it mean that iam on the dooooobe doos aka candy ...ake you now what i mean lol..

ahh now iam to mel to type any thing plus this song is one that make you want to just close you eyes and go to sleep.....yah i now it can be the song of the day

song of the day
and that be all Haida OUT

one more thing . i have a great idea . i must reach 100 blog posts before Sept 24 . When i leave for Hanson in Van and Spok . So that means ive got 48 days and 48 blogs to write. and they cant be little ones. At lest the size of this blog post......oh god iam goona run outta things to say very fast.......heeheeheehee

video of the day ...or ...week....or ...hour?

This made me silently laugh so loud only dogs could hear me.

Doctor Davide's bloppers.

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