Saturday, August 7, 2010

Super Lazy Saturday

this must be one of the laziest days a have had in a very very long time. i didn't get up until 1:30. it is now 4:00  and the only things I've done that requires any amount of energy is cook breakfast and use the Lu....i haven't even brushed my hair yet.I just put in in a bun, witch is now just a  matted mess in the back.
there are a few things i want to do today. i need to paint more of my trash can. i need to clean up the dishes and i also had an idea about making a super dull t-shirt awesome.

it will be my favourite time of the day in 15 minutes and i need to start getting ready. I always work at this time so i only get to do it once in a wile and for some reason i keep missing it.
 I  had last Thursday off to. But i had to miss it cuz i needed to buy a protection plan for my phone. i had to go to 3 different store and 2 malls. Turns out that you have to buy a protection plan for your phone exactly wear you got it. Witch is dumb because it is all the same company......FYI people who work at cell phones stores need to be less stupid and not just sit around playing with your own cell phone. Get up of your ass and help me with mine.......the one who is making your company money. It took 4 guys to figure out that i needed to go to the store i bought it from. and they were not very good at it either. When i left the store, and i had already disappeared from site they yell thank you at me......WTF.

Shit five minutes brb.
Lets listen to some BN while i get ready.
yess all ready and ive still got 2 after iam done typing.....

Alright iam back.
ok new thing i just came up with. tight now on the spot.
when ever the text on my blog is green ( like right now )
it mean that iam on the dooooobe doos aka candy ...ake you now what i mean lol..

ahh now iam to mel to type any thing plus this song is one that make you want to just close you eyes and go to sleep.....yah i now it can be the song of the day

song of the day
and that be all Haida OUT

one more thing . i have a great idea . i must reach 100 blog posts before Sept 24 . When i leave for Hanson in Van and Spok . So that means ive got 48 days and 48 blogs to write. and they cant be little ones. At lest the size of this blog post......oh god iam goona run outta things to say very fast.......heeheeheehee

video of the day ...or ...week....or ...hour?

This made me silently laugh so loud only dogs could hear me.

Doctor Davide's bloppers.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Candy Advice


To rebel has changed. In the past, you rebelled against authority figures example....your parents, teachers, the cops...ect. now to rebel it seems that its has turned the other way around.
you rebel from your peers. people your own age. weather you act older than them,
 younger than them, or just different. parents expect there kids to rebel they even know when there going to do it before there even born. So the rebellion starts when the kids rebel agains there own / act different  /talk different. Its just the way the world spins.

special thanks to Melissa for coming up with i idea .....hehehe i stole it please don't sue me...;)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Lazy Sunday

Today was a lazy one. I just had a shift at Temple it was very.....very.....slow. Downtown Parksville became a mad house. There were 2 big events going on,
The "show and shine"car show and the sandcastle competition. Rumor has it that there was no place to park your car for miles....or for us Canadians kms.......and if you wanted to buy fast food anywhere you had to wait 20 or so minutes in some cases.
I am oh so very glad that i didn't work at Mac's today. But i do tomorrow and it is the long weekend so, I can either hope for the best or expect the worst.
When the clock 'bonged' 4:05 my work day was over. Mom picked me up and i treated her to an apple pie and hot  fudge Sundae. We split the food of course and i only paid a dollar seventy two. ........nice.......
then came home had a shower and ate some candy and hot dogs for dinner.
After that i painted on my garbage can a bit more.
 ate 3 more blows of candy .....wait before i went to the trash bin,
 i watched an episode of the new Doctor Who season.........I am pretty sure i might have a tiny crush coming upon.........(hahahahahahahahaha ok didn't see that one coming) on Matt.....oh whats his last name. gezzzzz........ok lets go to goggle........Smith......Matt Smith.
Yes he is very cute
And now i am Blogging and Talking to Melissa on OOvOO. well we haven't said much since i started writing this because i can have a hard time concentrating on more thing than one when I've been eating candy ;)

I never knew a man who could make the Bow Tie look gooood.....Go away Amy Pond, The Doctor is mine muhahahahahahahahaha-----aaaa ehm .....sorry i don't know what just came over me just then.
apologies Doctor, Amy, Melissa, Alyssa, Shannon and anyone else...

P.S Thank you to my editor Melissa Joe

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