Tuesday, March 30, 2010

time for a good blog

Time for a good blog
Alrighty then .

Cleaning up date. For you folks of the world wide web. Aka Alyssa, mike and Mellissa.
It all went very well I got ride of 4 big boxes of just doodad (that is a real word. Came up on spell check. haha) and knickknack crap that I haven’t used or bought it because I taught it was wicked and never made it outta the shopping bag. So the bottom of my closet now has a floor. And I have discovered that the carpet is blue. Sweet. Still lots a junk left out in the hall way art supplies more knickknacks books and what have you. But that’s a whole other day. And lets face it I am lazy and I have bad habits. So most days I don’t feel much like cleaning but I try as often as I can I get my ass up and getter done.

Other news……….

I have now become obsessed I with the song ’I AM AWESOME’ I must listen to that song 5 times a day. Its so old school Lonely Island. Witch you know how much I am obsessed with them . Gezzz I must think about those guys every 9 seconds. Ahaha. Most of that time it about Jorm. don’t worry not in a creepy way

So when I think about them I think about Macgruber so then I think about Hader then Seth. Next boner ghost. Back to Jorm then back to MG. witch makes me think of May all the good times that will ensue. So than I have Seattle flash backs. witch makes log on to Facebook. And comment on all the sweet ass pics we all took. And ponder how it is I became to know such wonder full people. and anticipate the next S crew 5 reunion.
good times

End of blogging (lady robot voice)

And now for the Video of the day
This is how all news shows should do the news.

Slow jam the news JFall styal


FansonJoviette said...

duuuuude you spelt my name wrong!! hahahaha!!! I hope you didn't just toss all the doodads and nicknacks!! Give them to a thrift store or something!!! How do things not leave the shopping bags??? lol!!! Or you could see what you have and maybe sell them on ebay! People buy some weird stuff!! :D

Haida said...

tehee sorry about your name.
yah iam donating it. its mostey junk not good enofe to sell online

FansonJoviette said...

LMFAO!! Do you realize how much "junk" is sold on ebay???

Haida said...

iam to lazy

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