Saturday, July 31, 2010

Candy Advice

(Blog-convo) to have a blog conversation with oneanother :friend :family member ::random creepy guy.
blogconvo aka -Bloogies, can last over a long period of time, and if properly followed can lead to many inside jokes. how ever for one to have the full experience of a Bloogie. you must have a blog to call your own.   ;) so that you can write back and forth with your :friend :family member :random very...very creepy guy, that will  just not........ go away...... no matter how many times to tell him to.

Candy Advice OUT


FansonJoviette said...

well said... maybe one day we can convince her that people don't need to have lives to blog... just look at me :D I don't have one but mine are the longest hahahahaha!

Haida said...

ita amazing. ive just spent 30mind makeing my new header

FansonJoviette said...

LOL!!! Well wait until Shannon makes one for you!! it will be sooooooooo coooooool!!! Though I like yours too... love the boob hairstyle! hahahaha!

Haida said...

ahhh fuck my spelling

Haida said...

its a new type of bra. for your brain hahahaha

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