Wednesday, July 28, 2010

yet another day has begun, and for some reason iam bloooogin from work agian. it must be because i seem to spend more time away from home working. or waiting for busses.than i do at home. i may aswell just move in to one of them. the hard thing now is witch one do i want to live in..........nahh id rather be homless

lets see some interesting news.........oh god my life is so boring i cant thing of anything......ummmm.

oh yes. it seems that Kira has found her new fav spot. it is outside on a law chair. she can sit there for 2 hours and not even move.....gezzz i wish i could do that....i wonder if there is some sort of pilll. that can turn me into a cat....i think if i became one i could rock it...sleeping is something iam very good at.

less than 2 months untill Hanson bash. i dont think i could be more exited. ive got all the things i need.
. ....i was spazzing a bit because i had only sent in the reapp for my passport. 5 weeks ago and i was worryed that it wouldnt come..but it did. and all is well.
then not to long after Hanson. comes the awesomeness that will become. Mt. all thats left to do is be smart with my money. save it and not spend it all at once....

and i think thats it......toods
off to work , seven hours Macd, five hours Temple.... gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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